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JILIN 2020 preliminary Hot Button ranking

時間 :2021/2/22 來源:本站編輯 點(diǎn)擊:27850

TOTAL: 21.5
NOTE ON CANOPYSTYLE AUDIT RECOMMENDATION: Actively engaging suppliers, no known high risk
Completion of CanopyStyle Third-Party Verification Audits
CanopyStyle 第三方審核完成情況
The company is actively completing or has completed its independent third-party verification audit, with desktop, mill or supplier site visits. (worth 2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 2 buttons
The company has completed the current independent third-party verification audit, including the publication of the audit report and has adopted an action plan to make
continuous sustainability improvements. (worth 2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 1.5 buttons
Canopy analysis of the third-party audit findings, and of the producer's actions on issues raised in the audit, results in low risk of sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests
and other controversial areas. (worth 2 buttons)
通過分析公司的第三方審核結(jié)果及其對審核中指明的問題所采取的行動,Canopy 的調(diào)查結(jié)果為原始瀕危森林和其它爭議性地區(qū)的低采購風(fēng)險。(贏得兩枚紐扣)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
Contribution to Conservation Legacies


The company actively promotes its commitment to the conservation of Ancient and Endangered Forests on its website, naming key forests regions. In addition, the company
supports ambitious international conservation targets, and is an advocate for Nature Needs Half. (worth 2 button)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
The company communicates about its role in supporting forest protection in public forums, panels, etc. (worth 1 button)
? Preliminary result: 0 button
When prompted, the company has used its influence with supply chain partners and decision makers to support long-term conservation solutions. (worth 2 button)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
The company's actions directly contribute to conservation planning and increased legislated protection in key Ancient and Endangered Forest hot spots. (worth 2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 0 button
Extra responsibility: some companies have extra obligation regarding conservation legacies, because their assets or previous investments are located in an area within, or in
proximity to Ancient and Endangered Forests. (worth 2 extra buttons)
? Preliminary result: 0 button
Innovation via New Alternative Fibres
The company is an advocate of the circular economy and the use of alternative fibres, and is developing partnerships with brands, academics and ENGO's to advance the use
of new and existing alternative fibres. (worth 1 button)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
The company is investing in research and development for use of alternative fibres, and is at development, prototype or laboratory-testing phase. (worth 1 button)
? Preliminary result: 0.5 button
The company is investing in research and development for using alternative fibres, and is scaling up from laboratory phase and pilot scale (up to a few tons) to commercial
scale. (worth 2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 0 button
The company has timelines and targets in place for increasing the use of alternative fibres, such as left over straw and post-consumer recycled clothing. (worth 2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
The company is proportionally contributing to the collective goal whereby 20% of all man-made cellulosic fibre (MMCF) produced (or 1.38 million tons) is made from Next
Generation feedstock content, moving toward the CanopyStyle Vision of 50% of all viscose being made from Next Generation feedstocks by 2030. (worth 2 buttons)
公司正在按其相應(yīng)份額完成行業(yè)集體目標(biāo),即從 20%的人造纖維素纖維(或138 萬噸)含有下一代原材料,提高至CanopyStyle 的目標(biāo),即至2030 年前,全行業(yè)50%的粘膠含有
? Preliminary result: 0.5 button
The company is aggressively increasing the commercial scale of innovative and alternative fibres available to customers, at a price that allows scalability. (worth 1 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 0 button
Adoption of Robust Forest Sourcing Policy
The company has formalized a policy commitment not to source from the world's Ancient and Endangered Forests and other controversial sources, is promoting it on its
website, and requiring compliance from its suppliers. (worth 2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 2 buttons
The producer's policy meets all the CanopyStyle criteria. (worth 2 buttons)
公司的森林采購政策滿足所有CanopyStyle 要求。(贏得兩枚紐扣)
? Preliminary result: 2 buttons
Traceability, Transparency & Sustainable Sourcing
The company prepared a risk assessment of their supply using the Canopy ForestMapper, the Dissolving Pulp Mill Classification, and other available information. The company
shares this assessment with Canopy and engages to mitigate risks when required. (worth 2 buttons)
公司使用Canopy ForestMapper 地圖工具、溶解漿廠評估工具和其它可知信息,完成了內(nèi)部風(fēng)險評估。公司與Canopy 分享了內(nèi)部風(fēng)險評估;當(dāng)必要時,采取措施降低風(fēng)險。
? Preliminary result: 2 buttons
The company has put in place a track and trace system to be used by its partners in the supply chain. (worth 1 button)
? Preliminary result: 0 button
The company has publicly shared their list of suppliers, and the name and location of all the pulp mills they are supplying from. (worth 2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
The company makes decisions to no longer source based on analysis of their suppliers, with sourcing to later be confirmed and final risk levels to be assigned by audit. (worth
2 buttons)
? Preliminary result: 2 buttons
Leaders in Supply Chain Shifts
The producer is proactively reaching out to Canopy to seek opportunities to advance solutions and meet new marketplace requirements. The producer is participating in annual
CanopyStyle Summits in China, takes timely action, and inspires leadership with supply chain partners and competitors. (worth 1 button)
公司主動聯(lián)絡(luò)Canopy 共商解決方案,討論如何滿足新的市場需求。公司參加在中國舉辦的CanopyStyle 年度峰會,及時采取行動,在供應(yīng)鏈伙伴商與競爭對手間發(fā)揮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)作用。
? Preliminary result: 1 button
The producer preferences Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) forest management fibre supply, and increases percent volumes of FSC fibre intake. (worth 1 button)
公司優(yōu)先選擇FSC 森林管理認(rèn)證的原材料,并提高FSC 認(rèn)證材料的采購量。(贏得一枚紐扣)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
The company publicly supports ForestMapper, Canopy’s global map of Ancient and Endangered forests and uses it consistently to assess the risk level of their fibre supply and
to make responsible sourcing decisions. (worth 2 buttons)
公司公開支持Canopy 開發(fā)的世界原始瀕危森林地圖ForestMapper,并使用該地圖工具統(tǒng)一評估供應(yīng)商的風(fēng)險水平,據(jù)此再作出負(fù)責(zé)任的采購決定。(贏得兩枚紐扣)
? Preliminary result: 1 button
Associated with High Risk of Sourcing from Ancient & Endangered Forests and other Controversial Sources
The company is sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests or from a company associated with controversial sources in key Ancient and Endangered Forests such as the
Boreal forests, coastal temperate rainforests or tropical forests of Indonesia. No action is being taken by the company. (NOTE THIS IS A NEGATIVE CRITERA THAT WOULD
The company has been sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests or from a company associated with controversial sources in key Ancient and Endangered Forests such as
the Boreal forests, coastal temperate or tropical forests of Indonesia. Initial action to remove this controversial sourcing is being taken by the company. (NOTE THIS IS A
The company has been sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests or from a company associated with controversial sources in key Ancient and Endangered Forests such as
the Boreal forests, coastal temperate rainforests or tropical forests of Indonesia. Action has been taken, the sourcing issue has been resolved and the producer is contributing
to conservation legacies. (NOTE THIS WOULD LEAD TO THE ADDITION OF 1 BUTTON)
Chemical Management
The producer is addressing the pollution originated by the chemical substances used during the MMCF production process. It has joined a credible initiative that advances
solutions on chemical management. (worth 2 points)
The producer is implementing, for all of its sites, pollution control technologies to limit their impact, developing an approach for the recovery of substances used or generated
during the production of MMCF. (Up to 11 points awarded, based on reaching the ZDHC foundational, progressive or aspirational levels)
在所有經(jīng)營場地,公司正使用污染控制技術(shù),限制化學(xué)品污染。公司正開發(fā)人造纖維素纖維生產(chǎn)過程中使用或產(chǎn)生的化學(xué)物質(zhì)的回收方法。(根據(jù)ZDHC 基礎(chǔ)/良好/最佳三階段評
價,獎勵至多11 個點(diǎn))
ZDHC Responsible Fibre Production Guidelines
ZDHC 負(fù)責(zé)任纖維生產(chǎn)指南
ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines
ZDHC 廢水指南
ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines
ZDHC 廢氣指南


吉林化纖集團(tuán)有限責(zé)任公司 ? 版權(quán)所有

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